Beefcake & Kenny Casanova (co-author of KAMALA SPEAKS) are about to release a tell-all, 400 page autobiography of his life!

Brutus Beefcake: Cuttin’ & Struttin’… will CUT to the chase, revealing everything about the world’s most famous wrestling barber. This book covers his wrestling career, the parasailing accident that almost ended his life, and the struggle to make his miraculous comeback. …Plus:
- Growing up in Tampa with Hulk Hogan, as a kid
- Breaking into the wrestling business
- Working in the territorial days of wrestling
- Vince McMahon’s WWF taking over
- His “Dream Team” Tag Team championship run Greg Valentine
- The WWF takeover in the initial WrestleMania
- Crazy rockstar-like road stories
- Ridiculous & Horrific wrestler pranks/ribs
- Working on Hollywood movie sets
- Wrestling in Japan and WCW
With a foreward by baseball legend Wade Boggs, and guest passages by DDP, Marty Jannetty and Brian Blair… Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake gives you all the dirt on the road working with: Andre The Giant, The British Bulldogs, Ron Bass, Adrian Adonis, Jimmy Hart, Roddy Piper, DDP, Greg Valentine, The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan & more! ORDER HERE